Everybody’s Talkin’ About Stephen

…and some of them are even mentioning Catholic Colbert! A big thank-you to Rocco for another great link.

Nathaniel Peters has a wonderful article at the First Things blog, On the Square. I especially liked this bit:

Meanwhile, Colbert’s new book, I Am America (And So Can You!), reached number one on the New York Times bestseller list. It contains heaps of wisdom on topics that range from parenting (make arbitrary rules and pick a favorite child) to Protestant–Catholic relations: “I’m sure the pope would put on a polo shirt and boat shoes, if that would make you feel more comfortable.”

It reminds me that I need to bring you some more lovely excerpts from the book, since we in the Colbertosphere aren’t supporting the online media clips during the WGA strike. Watch this space.

Stephen’s attempts at healing the nation seem to be bearing some fruit when Commonweal and First Things can find some common ground.

And I leave you with this from the AP coverage of Stephen’s crushing disappointment at the hands of the South Carolina Democratic committee:

“I want to say to my supporters, this is not over,” Colbert said. “While I may accept the decision of the Council, the fight goes on! The dream endures! … And I am going off the air until I can talk about this without weeping.”

Which is a shame, because few people weep on air as well as Stephen!

Make Me America

I’m having a great time with the Make Me America website. Hats off to Hachette and Electric Pulp for a great book launch site. Here’s my best photo so far, but I have great plans for the next few days. Go to CatholicColbert on flickr to see the other shots.